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Charter schools: 
Billions in tax dollars, zero accountability

Charter schools drive up tax burdens on local communities

By taking money away from community public schools, districts need to raise more money to make ends meet or cut services like athletics, the arts, clubs and electives. Charter schools aren’t a good deal, they drain communities of needed resources.

Charter schools take your tax dollars and funnel them to unaccountable corporations

Many charter schools are run by big corporations. These corporations don’t have to follow the same accountability that your community public school does. They hide expenses in confusing tax forms and put away nearly a billion dollars statewide in bank accounts – instead of educating students.

Charter schools pay exorbitant salaries to executives

Some corporate charter executives make more than $1 million a year. Teachers, principals, and even superintendents of community public schools make far less than that. Why are they paying executives so much instead of spending that money to educate students?